Blame: FileUtilities
Annotated edit history of FileUtilities version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 PerryLorier 1 Commands that work on files or directories (as opposed to their content)
3 PerryLorier 3 ;mv(1):Move (or rename)
4 ;cp(1):Copy
5 ;rm(1):Remove (delete/erase)
6 ;mkdir(1):Make a new directory
7 ;rmdir(1):Remove an empty directory
8 ;tar(1):Create/extract a tape archive of files
9 ;cpio(1):Create/extract a cpio archive of files
10 ;zip(1):Create a zip archive of file
11 ;unzip(1):Extract a zip archive
12 ;compress(1):Compress a file
13 ;gzip(1):Compress a file
14 ;bzip2(1):Compress a file
15 ;file(1):Determine the type of a file
4 DanielLawson 16 ;rename(1):Rename a set of files with a regex
2 PerryLorier 17
18 ----
19 CategoryUtilities