
Differences between version 27 and revision by previous author of FileSystem.

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Newer page: version 27 Last edited on Saturday, February 13, 2010 12:36:29 pm by JohnBillings Revert
Older page: version 25 Last edited on Monday, May 15, 2006 12:53:44 pm by PerryLorier Revert
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 Linux has full read/write support for [FAT32], full read support for [NTFS], and limited write support. If you wish to format a file system so that Windows and Linux can both see it, choose FAT32. 
 !! Traditional Linux file systems 
-In contrast, the traditional FileSystem of choice on Linux is [Ext2]. It is very trusty and rock solid - losing much data from an [Ext2] partition is nearly impossible short of a hardware failure. The only problem is that an fsck takes a very long time. On servers that don't get rebooted in months, this is not much of a headache, but Linux is making its way to the desktop, where machines get rebooted frequently. Therefore, a variant that supports journalling was created: [Ext3]. 
+In contrast, the traditional FileSystem of choice on Linux is [Ext2]. It is very trusty and rock solid - losing much data from an [Ext2] partition is nearly impossible short of a hardware failure. The only problem is that an fsck takes a very long time. On servers that don't get rebooted in months, this is not much of a headache, but Linux is making its way to the desktop, where machines get rebooted frequently. Therefore, a variant that supports journalling was created: [Ext3]. The next revision of this filesystem, [Ext4] is gaining wider acceptance and aims to increase performance when dealing with large files
 !! Journalling file systems 
 Journalling file systems keep a log of changes pending completion, so in the event of a crash, they can quickly finish up or undo changes as required to bring the FileSystem back to a consistent state. A full consistency check with fsck crawling the entire disk is then unnecessary. Nevertheless, you should fsck partitions at least every once in a blue moon to ensure that no inconsistencies creep in. The likelihood is low, but better to be safe than sorry. 
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 !! Other file systems 
 <?plugin BackLinks page=CategoryOtherFileSystem noheader=1 ?> 
 !! Inodes 
 Linux looks at its file-system in the way Unix does: it adopts the concepts of super-block, inode, directory and file in the way Unix uses them: