Annotated edit history of FailureMode version 1, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 StuartYeates 1 A FailureMode is an actoin or state used when software or hardware detects a failure. Failure modes include:
3 * [KernelPanic]s, which occur in the linux kernel when it detects an internal error and cannot go on. A KernelPanic results in the machine rebooting or freezing.
4 * [CoreDump]ing and process termination are failure modes which occur when a [POSIX] process performs an illegal operation. They are handled by the underlying [Kernel].
6 Ideally failure modes should be __safe__, that is render the system into such a state that no damage happens. In most desktop PCs this is relatively easy, but some computer systems, such as AirTrafficControl systems, lack safe failure modes.