Annotated edit history of FQDN version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 [Acronym] for __F__ully __Q__ualified __D__omain __N__ame.
3 A fully qualified domain name consists of a host and domain name, right up to and including the top-level domain ([TLD]).
5 is a [FQDN]. The HostName is www (an alias to 'hoiho'), the third-level domain (you don't hear this mentioned very often) is wlug; the second-level-domain is org and the top-level domain is .nz.
7 You should define your FQDN in hosts(5) (/etc/hosts). Your HostName is defined in a distro-specific file that is usually /etc/hostname, and is set by hostname(1).
2 MikeBeattie 8
9 ----
10 CategoryDns