Annotated edit history of FPGA version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 CraigBox 1 [Acronym] for __F__ield __P__rogrammable __G__ate __A__rray.
1 JamesSpooner 2
3 An FPGA is a (usually) digital device that allows in-system reconfiguration. In it's simplest form an FPGA is a bunch of functional units or CLBs/slices, which each have a multiplexor and a number of gates etc. These CLB's are connected by a matrix of interconnects with [MOSFET] to (dis)connect them. Although the exact layout of the chip is fixed, the electrical layout is re-configurable by re-programming the FPGA with a core. [] has a whole bunch of cores (FPGA design files) written in [VHDL] or Verilog. You can include these in designs free of charge.
5 Xilinx are the biggest FPGA company at the moment, [].
2 JamesSpooner 6 -----------
7 CategoryElectronics

PHP Warning

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