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Perl script to convert Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets to CSV (Command Seperated Values)

Requires Perl Modules:

  1. Spreadsheet::!ParseExcel?
  2. Getopt::Long

See Also: for Simple Excel Parsing.

use strict; use Spreadsheet::!ParseExcel?; use Getopt::Long;

my $oExcel = new Spreadsheet::!ParseExcel?; my $excelfile ; my %options;

$options{'suffix'} = ".csv"; $options{'sep'} = ";";

Getopt::Long::!GetOptions?( \%options, 'help','quiet', 'suffix=s', 'sep=s') or exit;

if (@ARGV == 0 or defined $options{'help'}) {

die <<'EOF';

Usage: excel2csv [ options? files

where the options specify

--help this helpful help --quiet no progress information given --suffix output file suffix (default ".csv") --sep output field separator (default ";")


  1. 1.1 Normal Excel97

foreach $excelfile (@ARGV) {

my $oBook = $oExcel->Parse($excelfile); my($iR, $iC, $oWkS, $oWkC, $file); for(my $iSheet=0; $iSheet < $oBook->{!SheetCount?} ; $iSheet++) {

$oWkS = $oBook->{Worksheet}[$iSheet?; open $file, "> " . $oWkS->{Name} . $options{'suffix'} or die "Can not open file for writing!" ; print $oWkS->{Name} . "\n" if not defined $options{'quiet'}; for(my $iR = $oWkS->{!MinRow?} ;

defined $oWkS->{!MaxRow?} && $iR <= $oWkS->{!MaxRow?} ; $iR++) { for(my $iC = $oWkS->{!MinCol?} ;

defined $oWkS->{!MaxCol?} && $iC <= $oWkS->{!MaxCol?} ; $iC++) { $oWkC = $oWkS->{!Cells}[$iR?[$iC?; print $file $oWkC->Value if($oWkC); print $file $options{'sep'};

} print $file "\n";

} close $file;

