Blame: ElPresidente
Annotated edit history of ElPresidente version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 ElPresidente of the WlugBananaRepublic.
9 IanMcDonald 3 Currently BruceKingsbury and we'll let him say what he's like
3 CraigBox 4
7 CraigBox 5 Deposed ex-~ElsPresidente:
3 CraigBox 6
9 IanMcDonald 7 * IanMcDonald, who promised to be more IronFist than LaissezFaire but will let others judge his success.
4 IanMcDonald 8 * LindsayDruett, who claimed to be a bit less fisty than Greig and was a lot less.
3 CraigBox 9 * GreigMcGill, who promised to rule us with an IronFist but spent too much time lifting pint glasses with it
8 CraigBox 10 * "Grubby" DanielLawson
1 PerryLorier 11
12 ----
13 Part of CategoryWlugBananaRepublic