Annotated edit history of DragAndDrop version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 CraigBox 1 In MicrosoftWindows, you can drag objects (text, graphics, etc) from one window to another by selecting them, dragging it with your mouse, and dropping it into the new window.
3 [XFree86] does this a bit differently. Drag and drop is a two stage process. You select the item you want to move. You don't physically have to drag the item, you just move the mouse to where you want to go, and then you drop using the __middle mouse button__. [1][2]
5 This uses the __Primary__ selection buffer. See for the rationale.
7 __This is not CutAndPaste__.
9 See also the [XDND, the Drag and Drop Protocol for the X Window System|].
11 [1] (Note, if you have a two button mouse, there's an option in the X configuration to set "Emulate3Buttons", where you can hit both left and right mice buttons and send a "3rd mouse button click"
2 zcat(1) 12 [2] (Note, if you have a one button mouse, the F11 and F12 keys on the keyboard will usually act as a middle and right mousebutton. You can also get a 3-button [MightyMouse|] or use any regular three-button USB mouse.)