Annotated edit history of DpkgNotes version 2 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 BenStaz 1 !!Which packages have I recently installed in Ubuntu?
3 *ls -lat /var/lib/dpkg/info | head -20
5 This was very handy for me when I knew that a package I had recently installed had wreaked havoc on my machine but I just could not remember its name so that I could remove it!
2 DavidLeaver 6
7 !!Clone packages from one machine to another.
8 To install the same packages you have on machine A on machine B, do the following:
10 *A: dpkg --get-selections > list
11 * _copy the file to machine b_
12 *B: dpkg --set-selections < list
13 *B: apt-get dselect-upgrade
15 It should list all the packages and install them.