Blame: DeviceDriver
Annotated edit history of DeviceDriver version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 IanMcDonald 1 A small piece of [Software] that lets the OperatingSystem communicate with a specific piece of [Hardware].
1 StuartYeates 2
3 IanMcDonald 3 [DeviceDriver]s have caused considerable soul-searching in the OpenSource world as they are the lowest level, most platform dependent pieces of software in many systems and many [Hardware] makers only provide [Binary] [DeviceDriver]s for their [Hardware] in order to avoid giving the competition insights into how the hardware works.
5 [DeviceDriver]s are represented in the FileSystem under <tt>/dev</tt>. They get put here by mknod(1), DevFs or [UDev]. The current preferred method is [UDev].
7 A DeviceDriver is either for a BlockDevice or a CharacterDevice and has a major and a minor device number. The device numbers are preassigned and listed in the LinuxKernel source in <tt>Documentation/devices.txt</tt>