Blame: DestinationUnreachable
Annotated edit history of DestinationUnreachable version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 MattBrown 1 [ICMP] code 0x3, the requested service is unavailable due to one of the following reasons:
1 PerryLorier 2
7 PerryLorier 3 <?plugin OldStyleTable
1 PerryLorier 4 |__Subcode__|Reason
5 |0|DestinationNetworkUnreachable
6 |1|DestinationHostUnreachable
7 |2|DestinationProtocolUnreachable
8 |3|DestinationPortUnreachable
9 |4|FragmentationRequiredAndDontFragmentSet
10 |5|SourceRouteFailed
11 |6|DestinationNetworkUnknown
12 |7|DestinationHostUnknown
13 |8|SourceHostIsolated
14 |9|DestinationNetworkAdministrativelyProhibited
15 |10|DestinationHostAdministrativelyProhibited
16 |11|DestinationNetworkUnreachableForTypeOfService
17 |12|DestinationHostUnreachableForTypeOfService
18 |13|CommunicationAdministrativelyProhibited
5 PerryLorier 19 |14|HostPrecedenceViolation
6 PerryLorier 20 |15|PrecedenceCutoffInEffect
7 PerryLorier 21 ?>
2 PerryLorier 22
23 !Packet format
7 PerryLorier 24 <?plugin OldStyleTable
3 PerryLorier 25 ||||[IP] Header
2 PerryLorier 26 |Type|Code||Checksum
27 ||||Unused
3 PerryLorier 28 ||||[IP] Header + at least 64 bits of Original Data Datagram
7 PerryLorier 29 ?>