
Differences between version 7 and revision by previous author of DeBugging.

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Newer page: version 7 Last edited on Friday, October 17, 2003 9:30:52 am by JohnMcPherson Revert
Older page: version 6 Last edited on Sunday, September 7, 2003 11:00:33 pm by AndrewMitchell Revert
@@ -7,27 +7,30 @@
 # Load your program in gdb: "gdb ./''programname''" 
 # type "run" at the prompt to run the program. 
 # when the program crashes you should be able to type "bt full" to get a full backtrace of what the program was doing at the time. 
-useful gdb(1) commands: 
+!! useful gdb(1) commands: 
 ;bt full: give a complete backtrace of a program. If a program crashes __this__ is what the programmer will want from you. 
 ;print: This lets you print out various expressions, eg: "print node" "print *node" "print node->key" "print node->next->key" etc. 
 ;break: This lets you set breakpoints, eg: "break main" 
 ;run: run a program up until a break point. 
 ;step: step over a function call 
 ;next: step into a function call 
 ;frame: change which frame you are working on. eg: "frame 1" will change the scope to frame 1. 
-!Other useful debugging tricks and traps:  
-strace(1) lets you see what a program is doing in a corse kind of way, if you think strace(1) is too quiet, perhaps ltrace(1) is for you. for the bsdites amongst us, I believe these are called struss(1) and sotrace(1). The command for this is: 
+! !Other useful debugging tricks and traps:  
+strace(1) lets you see what a program is doing in a coarse kind of way, if you think strace(1) is too quiet, perhaps ltrace(1) is for you. for the bsdites amongst us, I believe these are called struss(1) and sotrace(1). The command for this is: 
  strace ''programname'' 
 if the program is already running: 
  strace ''pid'' 
 will also work. 
 If your program hangs, you can press Alt-\ to send it a SIGQUIT and force it to dump core. You can also force them to dump core with the command: 
  kill -QUIT ''programpid'' 
+!Core files  
 To create core files you have to remove the ulimit(1) on them. This can be done with the command: 
  ulimit -c unlimited 
 Note, this is for the shell (and all it's children) only. 
@@ -35,16 +38,24 @@
  gdb ./''program'' ./''corefile'' 
 If you run gdb(1) on your program and it displays the names of the functions but doesn't display their types (eg: what arguments they have or line number information) you probably didn't compile them with -g 
 ddd(1) appears to be a reasonable [GUI] interface to gdb(1) for those that are afraid of CommandLine's. 
 use assert(3) everywhere. It's much nicer at finding your bugs closer to where the bug actually hides. 
+!Electric Fence  
 Make use of electricfence (libefence) for tracking memory allocation errors. In debian this can be enabled on the fly by setting an LD_PRELOAD variable, like so: your-buggy-programme 
+! threads  
 Note: When using gdb(1) to debug a threaded program, gdb(1) catches two signals ([SIGPWR] & [SIGXCPU]) which are used internally by pthreads on Linux. Use 
  (gdb) handle SIGPWR pass nostop noprint 
  (gdb) handle SIGXCPU pass nostop noprint 
 to stop gdb halting on receiving these signals. 
+!Other useful commands  
+* catchsegv - prints out the backtrace of function calls for a program receiving a [SIGSEGV]  
+* c++filt(1) - reverses the C++ symbol name-mangling that gcc(1) does, so if the program uses c++ then you can read the function names.