Annotated edit history of DeBugging version 23 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
17 JohnMcPherson 1 You might also be interested in the CommonProgrammingBugs page. Beware of [HeisenBug]s. If you aren't a programmer, you can help by WritingBugReports.
3 ----
4 !Contents
20 JohnMcPherson 6 * gcc compile-time options
17 JohnMcPherson 7 * GDB
8 * strace
9 * signals
10 * Core files
11 * Debugging running processes
12 * Other tools/commands
20 JohnMcPherson 13
14 ----
15 !! [GCC] Compile Options
16 * have -g in your CFLAGS (for [C]) or CXXFLAGS (for [C++]) environment variable so that debugging symbols are stored in your binary objects.
17 * Compile with -Wall to get all 'standard' compiler warnings.
18 * Compile with -Wshadow to get a warning when you declare a variable with the same name as one in an outer scope.
19 * If you are using the GNU C library (eg linux systems), you can #include <mcheck.h> to get some extra debugging for malloc(3) - see the [mcheck] page
17 JohnMcPherson 20
21 ----
22 !! [GDB]
24 Debugging under Linux is done mostly by using gdb(1).
26 If you want to debug a program:
27 # Compile it with debugging support. This is done by adding the -g option to the gcc(1) command line. If you are using make(1), you can export CFLAGS=-g, you should also set -Wall too, but only because it's a good idea in general. An example: gcc -g -Wall foo.c -o foo
28 # Load your program in gdb: "gdb ./''programname''"
29 # type "run" at the prompt to run the program.
30 # when the program crashes you should be able to type "bt full" to get a full backtrace of what the program was doing at the time.
32 !!useful gdb(1) commands:
33 ;bt full: give a complete backtrace of a program. If a program crashes __this__ is what the programmer will want from you.
34 ;print: This lets you print out various expressions, eg: "print node" "print *node" "print node->key" "print node->next->key" etc.
35 ;break: This lets you set breakpoints at functions or lines in the source code, eg: "break main" or "break sourcefile.cpp:55". This can be abbreviated as just "b".
36 ;run: run a program up until it encounters a break point or completes.
37 ;cont: start running from the current command until the next break point or the end.
38 ;step: step to the next command, or into a function call (ie go to the instructions within that function).
39 ;next: step to the next command, or over a function call (ie treat the call as a single command)
40 ;frame: change which frame you are working on. eg: "frame 1" will change the scope to frame 1.
22 IanMcDonald 41
42 For a little more info see
17 JohnMcPherson 43
20 JohnMcPherson 44 ----
17 JohnMcPherson 45 !!Other useful debugging tricks and traps:
46 !strace
47 strace(1) lets you see what a program is doing in a coarse kind of way, if you think strace(1) is too quiet, perhaps ltrace(1) is for you. for the bsdites amongst us, I believe these are called struss(1) and sotrace(1). [Darwin] ([MacOSX]) has ptrace and ktrace (and kdump to read the created file).
49 The command for this is:
21 JohnMcPherson 50 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 51 strace ''programname''
21 JohnMcPherson 52 </verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 53 if the program is already running:
21 JohnMcPherson 54 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 55 strace -p ''pid''
21 JohnMcPherson 56 </verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 57 will also work.
59 !signals
60 If your program hangs, you can press Alt-\ to send it a [SIGQUIT] and force it to dump core. You can also force them to dump core with the command:
21 JohnMcPherson 61 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 62 kill -QUIT ''programpid''
21 JohnMcPherson 63 </verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 64
65 !Core files
66 To allow crashing programs to create [CoreDump]s you have to remove the ulimit(1) on them. This can be done with the command:
21 JohnMcPherson 67 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 68 ulimit -c unlimited
21 JohnMcPherson 69 </verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 70 Note, this is for the shell (and all its children) only.
72 By default core files are placed in the working directory (often the same directory the executable is in). This may not be ideal for you if the executable is on a read only file system. To change this behaviour you can use the following command.
73 </verbatim>
74 echo /var/cores/core.%e.%p >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
75 </verbatim>
76 %e is replaced by the executable name and %p is replaced by the pid of the process. For more possible replacements see fs/exec.c in your nearest kernel source.
78 gdb(1) can also do postmortem analysis on core files like so:
21 JohnMcPherson 79 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 80 gdb ./''program'' ./''corefile''
81 </verbatim>
82 If you run gdb(1) on your program and it displays the names of the functions but doesn't display their types (eg: what arguments they have or line number information) you probably didn't compile them with "-g".
84 ! modifying a running process
85 You can use gdb to attach to a currently running process. For example, to change where its stderr is going:
86 <verbatim>
87 $ gdb <executable> <process_id>
88 (gdb) call close(2)
89 $1 = 0
90 (gdb) call open("/tmp/prog-debug", 0101)
91 $2 = 2
92 (gdb) cont
93 </verbatim>
94 Note that the octal 0101 stands for O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, since gdb will complain about no debugging symbols for resolving those words otherwise. Check with your /usr/include files... the c library with debian testing at least has these definitions in /usr/include/bits/fcntl.h. (0100 + 01).
96 !Graphical Debuggers
97 ddd(1) appears to be a reasonable [GUI] interface to gdb(1) for those that are afraid of [CommandLine]s.
99 [Insight] is another.
101 !assert
102 use assert(3) everywhere in your source code. It's much nicer at finding your bugs closer to where the bug actually hides.
104 !Electric Fence
105 Make use of electricfence (libefence) for tracking memory allocation errors. In debian this can be enabled on the fly by setting an LD_PRELOAD variable, like so:
107 your-buggy-programme
109 ! threads
110 Note: When using gdb(1) to debug a threaded program, gdb(1) catches two signals ([SIGPWR] & [SIGXCPU]) which are used internally by pthreads on Linux. Use
21 JohnMcPherson 111 <verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 112 (gdb) handle SIGPWR pass nostop noprint
113 (gdb) handle SIGXCPU pass nostop noprint
21 JohnMcPherson 114 </verbatim>
17 JohnMcPherson 115 to stop gdb halting on receiving these signals.
117 !!Other useful commands
118 * catchsegv - prints out the backtrace of function calls for a program receiving a [SIGSEGV]. - don't forget to compile with __-g__ if you want file names and line numbers to be accessible.
119 * c++filt(1) - reverses the C++ symbol name-mangling that gcc(1) does, so if the program uses c++ then you can read the function names.
121 Other neat tools for diagnosing memory errors are:
122 * [Valgrind]
123 * electric fence
124 * [MMGR] (works well with C++)
125 * [mcheck] (part of libc6-dev)
126 * [MALLOC_CHECK_] environment variable
127 * [LD_DEBUG] environment variable
128 * [DMALLOC|]
129 * printf(3)
130 * GarbageCollection
18 PerryLorier 131 * AdvancedDebuggingHints
23 JohnMcPherson 132 ----
133 CategoryProgrammingBugs