Blame: DavidHallett
Annotated edit history of DavidHallett version 29, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
23 DavidHallett 1 <?plugin WlugMember?>
2 DavidHallett is a graduate of WaikatoUniversity where he completed a [BSc] in ComputerScience majoring in InformationSystems.
29 DavidHallett 4 He lives with his wife Raewyn and children, in the country near Ngahinapouri village, close to the city of [Hamilton].
23 DavidHallett 5
29 DavidHallett 6 He made an occasional appearance at the monthly meeting of WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup.
23 DavidHallett 7
29 DavidHallett 8 David's Business Card: [David Hallett|] %%%
23 DavidHallett 9 David's Wikipedia Page: [David Hallett|]
10 ----
11 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
12 ----
13 CategoryHomePage

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()