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A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.

FlatFiles and CommaSeparatedVector?s very simple databases.

HierarchicalDataBases are one of the longest-established types of DataBase, with GDBM being a prime example.

The most widely used forms database are RelationalDataBases and their practical offspring PostRelationalDataBases. Because a database by itself is very little use without the support infrastructure of utilities, converters, connectors, tools, tutorials and so forth most are actually Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). RDBMSs include Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, Borland Interbase, FireBird and IBM DB2. See also PostgresVsMysql.

InformationSystems such as MG use InvertedIndexes, which serve to both compress and index natural language text.

XMLDataBases are currently flavour of the month for all sorts of reasons.