Annotated edit history of DSL version 10 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
4 DanielLawson 1 [Acronym] for __D__igital __S__ubscriber __L__ine
9 IanMcDonald 3 There are several types of DSL around, although only [ADSL] and [SDSL] are readily available in New Zealand.
5 Not many people are aware but Telecom is extensively selling [SDSL] to businesses when they order Ethernet connectivity and fibre to the premises are unavailable, they only need up to 2 Mbps or there will be a delay with getting higher speed product available. It is not sold as [SDSL] but called other names as Telecom starts to demphasie FrameRelay.
4 DanielLawson 6
7 | |[ADSL]|[HDSL]|[SDSL]|[VDSL]
8 |Bits/second| 1.5 to 9Mbps downstream, 16 to 640 kbps upstream | 1.544 or 2.048 MBps | 1.544 or 2.048 Mbps | 13 to 52 Mbps downstream, 1.5 to 2.3 Mbps upstream
9 |Mode|Asymmetric|Symmetric|Symmetric|Asymmetric
10 |Copper Pairs|1|2|1|1
11 |Range (24-guage UTP)|3.7 to 5.5 km|3.7km|3.0km|1.4km
12 |Signaling|Analog|Digital|Digital|Analog
13 |Line code|CAP/DMT|[2B1Q]|[2B1Q]|DMT
14 |Frequency|1 to 5 MHz|196kHz|196kHz|10MHz
15 |Bits/cycle|Varies|4|4|Varies
17 -- Taken from "Data and Computer Communications" - William Stalling - 6th Ed, ISBN:0130863882
8 DanielLawson 18
19 See also: [ADSL2]
5 DanielLawson 20
21 ----
23 CategoryNetworking