
Differences between version 35 and predecessor to the previous major change of CyrusNotes.

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Newer page: version 35 Last edited on Friday, December 16, 2005 11:32:54 am by DirkDuenkelmann Revert
Older page: version 31 Last edited on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:53:18 pm by JohnMcPherson Revert
@@ -98,9 +98,35 @@
 !! Getting Sieve working with Cyrus2.1 on Debian Sarge 
 By Default Cyrus2.1 uses SASL2 based Authentication, which requires the installation of sasl2-bin, but doesn't install libsasl2-modules, which are required for sieve authentication. 
+Websieve login will fail without libsasl2-modules.  
 Note: see [LDAPNotes] for more information regarding LDAP under Debian 
+!! Setting cyrus to listen for lmtp deliver  
+Cyrus supports [LMTP] mail delivery - this is much more efficient than using a delivery program such as deliver, or using procmail. Edit /etc/cyrus.conf and add  
+a SERVICES entry similar to the following (it may already be enabled)  
+ lmtp cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="" prefork=0  
+This will listen for lmtp on the localhost IP. You may wish to use a unix domain socket instead:  
+ lmtpunix cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0  
+You can now set your MTA to deliver to cyrus via [LMTP], by specifying the appropriate address. You'll need to look at the notes for the MTA on how to do this, eg EximNotes, PostfixNotes  
+!! Delivering to Cyrus from procmail.  
+If you happen to be using an MTA that doesn't support [LMTP] delivery, and you really have to use something like procmail to get the mail from the MTA into cyrus, then you MUST use the deliver program packaged with cyrus. Do not attempt to deliver directly into the cyrus mailspool.  
+See ProcmailNotes for an example recipe snippet. Or upgrade your MTA to something like exim or postfix.  