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IRC meeting attended by Chris, Rod, JohnBillings Virtualization topic of 25th meeting by Chris TODO: Need to find missing transactiosn from ASB, (3 membership payments unaccounted for) John will check w/ ASB and also ask about online banking TODO: need to pay someone at uni something for the sat workshop room hire. SFD Stuff: 17th September Wintec pretty much ruled out for SFD, wants $300 for the hub, while nice, we can come to a better arrangement at the Uni that will work just as well, possibly better turnout expected there. Of the three locations the Hub, Uni, and the mall, Uni has had the most positive experiences. Usually stuff needs to be done for SFD Publicity, and get some people involved interested. Rod checking on Library display. Someone need to talk to Ian about doing up a flyer. We can use a lot of stuff from the main sfd site. Peter Reuteman to do open source social networking presentation in August
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