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Newer page: | version 2 | Last edited on Monday, February 7, 2011 10:53:47 pm | by JohnBillings | Revert |
Older page: | version 1 | Last edited on Monday, February 7, 2011 10:49:51 pm | by JohnBillings | Revert |
@@ -1 +1,36 @@
-Wayne post
minutes here
+Meeting Opened at 7pm
+Committee members present: Chris (President), Ronnie (Vice President), John (Treasurer),
Wayne (Secretary), Rod, Sam, Tom.
+Minutes of the prior meeting read.
+John to [didn't] talk with Bruce regarding Meteor. IRD and MED dealt with.
+Ronnie advised that it should be okay to hold Monday meetings at Waikato University.
+Location of Saturday workshops still to be determined. Ronnie to check out the University as a possible option.
+Wayne advised that Kat's computer is no longer available for the server.
+Alternatives will need to be investigated.
+Wayne advised that he will pay his membership sub within the next couple of days via electronic banking.
+Newspaper article in the Waikato Times discussed. Regarding the address for meetings quoted in the article, this address refers to the PC Club and not the WLUG.
+Tom will contact Bruce to arrange access and storage of library books.
+Ronnie to seek confirmation on the server arrangement - medium or long term?
+John suggested a Debian release party as the topic for the next meeting on 21st February. Pizzas provided.
+Tom is happy to do a presentation on the lightweight Linux distros Crux and Tinycore Linux.
+Virtualisation discussed as a meeting topic for later in the year.
+Ronnie will look at conducting a presentation on live coding in November.
+Lightening talks discussed as an alternative format (i.e. cover two topics for 10-15
minutes each in one evening. Have each topic presentation followed by a Q & A session).
+Committee discussed ideas for advertising club to prospective members via the University. Flyers may not be the most effective means, due to the overabundence of flyer adverts directed at students.
+Meeting closed at 9 pm
+Feel free to make any corrections or amendments