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WLUG Meeting Minutes
22 June 2006

Meeting open at 7:38pm.

Present: CraigBox, LindsayDruett, IanMcDonald, PerryLorier, DavidHallett
Apologies: GianPerrone, MatthiasDallmeier

1. Minutes from previous meeting

Moved: PerryLorier
Seconded: IanMcDonald

Motion carried

2. Matters arising

Our last minutes did not mention the amount of the payment from Google, which was for $185.33.

3. Correspondence

GianPerrone has tendered his resignation, which was unanimously accepted.

4. Treasurers' report

The treasurers report was tabled and accepted.

Craig Mckenna promises a completed IR10 form tomorrow.

5. Advocacy event planning

Planning is well underway. We still need many more volunteers, and a co-ordinated focus and approach. Craig will present an update to the next WLUG meeting.

Things to consider:

  • a Penguin suit?
  • Network access - Telecom
  • Tables
  • Booking Centreplace for Saturday Sep 16th
  • A Giveaway/raffle to encourage people to fill something out

Motion: that the committee authorize spending of up to $200 for promotional space in Centreplace for the SFD advocacy event.

Moved: CraigBox
Seconded: LindsayDruett

Motion carried

There is limited interest in holding business event - David's canvassing suggests it is not currently viable. We are interested in considering again after establishing more interest/contacts.

It was suggested that the WLUG could look at running training as its next advocacy/promotional move. The training could be on general Linux, networking or sysadmin, or could progress in that order. A post to the WLUG list will gauge interest.

6. New Hoiho

Matt has asked the committee to clarify the maintenance situation for Hoiho. Maintaining 5 machines is a reasonable job - kernel security updates, etc. Current Hoiho hasn't required much administration.

Perry is the head of a sysadmin team, currently comprising himself, Matt, Craig and John. Jamie and Daniel also currently have sudo access.

On the new server, there should be a person responsible for each blade - Perry hoiho/db, Matt wiki, Craig mail. Decisions fall on the respective blade owners, but all sysadmins are welcome to work on all blades.

Matt will be asked to stay as the Orcon administrative contact; Matthias has volunteered to be the person who calls Orcon if the machine needs rebooting.

Ian has offered to provide backup as well if required.

7. General business

The WLUG needs revitalisation.

  • The age and skill range we deal with is very hard to work with. Everyone is keen on seeing the group continue, but some of the current committee are burning out.
  • Hamilton isn't really big enough for a developer/commercial user only LUG.

Feedback will be solicited.

A Thursday Night Curry could be used to build interest and contacts from people in the IT industry in Hamilton. One should be organised.

August meeting: Ian has suggested either firewalling or Squid.

Need to start encouraging new committee members for 2007.

Meeting closed at 9.20pm


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