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__WLUG Meeting Minutes__ %%% __18 May 2006__ Meeting opened at 7:50pm. Present: DavidHallett, CraigBox, MatthiasDallmeier, PerryLorier, GianPerrone, IanMcDonald%%% Apologies: LindsayDruett !1. Minutes from previous meeting Moved: PerryLorier%%% Seconded: DavidHallett __Motion passed__ !2. Matters arising 208 student numbers are down - no intl students etc - lots are taking CDs and asking Ian, but there has been low translation to WLUG attendace. !3. Correspondence Our loan server has arrived from HewlettPackard. Google adwords cheque expected in the near future. !4. Treasurers report The treasurer's report was tabled and accepted. Craig M needs leaning on again for 2005 financials. !5. Server HP have generously donated us the long term loan of a blade chassis with 5 blades. Perry will co-ordinate the installation of this machine. To do: * talk to Craig Whitmore about IP addresses * Perry/John/Matt to talk about allocation of wiki/DB services !6. Banner Ian has a proof; Craig to talk to Kat Brown and have her supply a banner design. We need to supply vector format for printing. !7. Advocacy events As discussed, plan is to have three events: public, business, installfest __Promotional event__ * Need to have this before an installfest, in order to drum up interest * Gian is keen to be involved/co-ordinate Gian is to investigate mall locations - Centreplace and Downtown Plaza, Chartwell Square, The Base. __Business event__ Gian has raised a concern about spending WLUG money, and would like the event to be vendor funded. This should not be a problem, as David and Craig suggest their respective employers would be keen to support such an event. David and Craig to discuss further. __Installfest__ To consider after the other two events. !8. General business Post-business advocacy meeting: look at providing regular updates about Linux news to local businesses by way of a monthly newsletter Saturday workshop: post to the mailing list that experts are required - mention at meeting/on mailing list. Print output from wiki has Google ads: Craig will talk to Matt about this. Next committee meeting: Thurs 22 June at [Lindsay's|http://zoomin.co.nz/nz/hamilton/hamilton/john+webb+drive/3/]. Meeting closed at 8:55pm. ----- CommitteeMeetingTopics
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