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__WLUG Meeting Minutes__ %%% __19 January 2006__ Meeting opened at 7:37pm. Present: LindsayDruett, CraigBox, IanMcDonald, MatthiasDallmeier %%% Apologies: PerryLorier, GianPerrone, DavidHallett !1. Minutes from previous meeting Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting. Moved: CraigBox %%% Seconded: MatthiasDallmeier __Motion passed__ !2. Matters arising Hoiho has been relocated to the Orcon datacentre, and the WLUG committee would like to thank Craig Whitmore and Orcon for sponsoring its hosting. The WLUG committee needs a documented procedure about how to contact people who can reboot Hoiho if required. The Christmas BBQ had a disappointing turnout. Follow up posts to the mailing list suggest it should be at a different time, perhaps earlier in the month. !3. Correspondence None. !4. Treasurers report CraigMckenna needs to be chased up for a copy of the AGM financial statement. We also need to arrange signing rights for Ian. Ian will pay for the SSL certificate on his credit card. !5. Google Ads on WLUG wiki Matt Brown has proposed putting Google ads on the WLUG wiki. He has addressed concerns about violating any hosting agreement with Orcon - they are happy as long as we don't do anything illegal. The WLUG committee supports adding Google ads, with the following suggestions: * have the code last on the page, as sites that hang on a Google lookup often are slow to render * ads should be able to be turned off with a cookie/a "Hide ads" link, like the "Hide Sidebar" link !6. Direction for 2006 Fix presentations. We haven't been good at this lately. Have an installfest. Have it a bit later this time, for more advertising, and to get Ubuntu CDs in time. Run presentations at the installfest to try and get people other than those who just want to install Linux. !7. Meeting presenters February: Peter Bryant, RimuHosting %%% March: tentatively AndrewThrift %%% April: none %%% May: Roger De Salis from FX Networks Lindsay to co-ordinate. !8. Fix-it meetings Still hung up on a meeting venue. We have offered to pay for LitB, but this is unavailble due to remodelling. Ian to email Geoff regarding continuation of our sponsorship, and to ask Jamie to talk to timetabling. Meeting closed at 8:16pm. CommitteeMeetingTopics
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