Annotated edit history of Coffee version 8 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
6 PerryLorier 1 Like blood, only without the moral issues and more likely to cause serious bleeding in a brain as opposed to being the substance bleeding out of the brain. A watered down, sissy's version of "NoDoze".
7 CraigBox 4 Sad. This page majorly needs to be rewritten and should at least mention the good things in coffee (like [Caffeine]), where else you can get a [Caffeine] fix (CocaCola, [MtDew], chocolate-coated-coffee-beans), and perhaps the numbers 0xdecafbad and 0x0ac0ffee (Oh, A Coffee!, the original metanet address of zcat(1) 's main machine).
6 !0xBAADF00D
6 PerryLorier 7
8 See also [NotToBeUsedAsASubstituteForSleep]
10 '' zcat(1) prefers his Coffee solid. He knows when someone's been drinking his coffee when there is a hole missing from it. ''

PHP Warning

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