Annotated edit history of CityLink version 11, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
9 JeremyNaylor 1 CityLink is a broadband (high speed) network provider based in Wellington. They are perhaps best known for their [MAN] around the [CBD] of Wellington as well as [CafeNet].
4 PerryLorier 2
11 MattBrown 3 CityLink also provides the hardware / administration resources for New Zealands main [Peering] points.
4 * [WIX]
5 * [APE]
6 * [PNIX]
7 * [3CIX]
8 * [DPE]
7 DouglasBagnall 9
11 MattBrown 10 They also operate a wireless network around Wellington's CBD which is slowly expanding into other areas. See
7 DouglasBagnall 11
12 ----
13 CategoryCompany

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()