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Categories in this Wiki

Don't know where to start? You might like to browse pages on a particular topic. The following are all categories that exist within this WikiWikiWeb:

To add something to a category page, add at the bottom of the page a link to the Category page (for example as done on this page) and use the BackLinks plugin. To link to a Category page use "Category:categoryname" style links.

Is there a good/standard way to do hierarchical categories? e.g. !CategoryProgramming/!CategoryDataStructures?, or similar?
Pick something you don't think will be too specific, but isn't too vague (I've avoided making a !CategorySystemAdministration for example, but !CategoryNetworking is a pretty good idea.)
__Why don't wiki links (!Category
Category) work on backlinks?__ : Because then you could never link to a category without actually making the page part of that category! You'll note that while there is a !Category:Category link at the bottom of this page, !CategoryCategory isn't in the list above.
__So... Use WikiWords to link back to the parent Category, but when generally saying "Go here", use !Category
Foo links?__ : Pretty much. Using a WikiWord will also make the parent category link back to you, which is the important part.

Part of Category:Category