Annotated edit history of CMOS version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 CraigBox 1 [Acronym] for __C__omplementry __M__etal on __O__xide __S__emiconductor.
1 JamesSpooner 2
3 The simplest of CMOS gates is a CMOS inverter gate. A nMOSFET and a pMOSFET are have one pin connected to either GND or VDD (respectively) and the other terminal connected as the output of the gate.
2 JamesSpooner 5 The gate pins of the [MOSFET]s are connected together as the input. When the Input=VDD, the pMOSFET is off and the nMOSFET is turned on. This means the output is connected to GND, which is logically opposite to VDD (the input). When the Input=GND, the pMOSFET is on and the nMOSFET is off, meaning the output is connected to VDD.
4 CraigBox 6
7 ------
8 CategoryElectronics