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There is no what?

Everyone talks about "CLUG" - the Canterbury Linux Users Group. But there is no formal organisation bearing that name.

CLUG exists primarily as a mailing list, run from the University of Canterbury. That's it. Yes, there are regular meetings run by and for the people on the mailing list, and there is this wiki, but at the end of the day you're a part of the CLUG if you're a part of the community - no more, no less.

The mailing list has an open registration policy - as long as your email address works properly, you can join. This wiki has a similar policy - you can edit things anonymously (well, the software tracks your IP address at least), or you can create a user if you like. The meetings are open - if you're interested, come along and meet fellow Linux people.

And that's basically it. It works.

"There Is No CLUG" history: (30 Jan 2003)

CLUG (the name) history: (29 Jun 2004)

CLUG as limitation?: (19 Apr 2007)

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