Blame: BruceKingsbury
Annotated edit history of BruceKingsbury version 33, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
22 BruceKingsbury 1 <?plugin WlugMember?>
25 CraigBox 2
32 BruceKingsbury 3 Involved with WLUG since about 2001? WaikatoLinuxUsersGroup Ex-Secretary and Ex-President. Vice President / President for 2009, Secretary again 2010.
31 BruceKingsbury 4
33 BruceKingsbury 5 Contact details on []
22 BruceKingsbury 6
7 ----
8 <?plugin WlugLicenseAgreement ?>
9 ----
10 CategoryHomePage

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 4 times)