Diff: BrowserSpecificSites

Differences between version 17 and previous revision of BrowserSpecificSites.

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Newer page: version 17 Last edited on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:29:36 pm by MatthiasDallmeier Revert
Older page: version 16 Last edited on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:19:52 am by BruceKingsbury Revert
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
 There are a number of sites in New Zealand that suffer from this problem. Feel free to add any you encounter to this list __after__ you have emailled the web master with your carefully written description of the problem: : 
  <b>"~MyAccount is designed to run with Microsoft Internet Explorer. You should be using MSIE 5.5+"</b>. If you are a Genesis Energy customer you might like to drop them a line on and politely suggest that they fix their system so that you can use it. 
+ "Our IT Department is working on a solution for this and we hope to have the service open to other browsers in the near future." (2006-08-29) : 
  You can only register on their website using InternetExplorer. Once you're on there everything else appears to work just fine in Firefox. The webmaster was politely informed approximately three years ago. Their 'solution' was to add a big red box on the page that tells you some functionality will only work with MSIE 5.0 or above. : 
  It takes some skill to design a website this bad! (__warning__: blink tags)