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Notes for the [bc(1)] arbitrary precision calculator ---- !!Handy Variables !scale Defines how some operations use digits after the decimal point . (Default 0) So if you type ''5/5'' ''bc'' interprets this as 5.00000/5.00000. and the answer is 1.00000 !last A variable that has the value of the last printed number. So if you have a running total in ''bc'' of 100, then last+10 would result in 110. !ibase Define the conversion base for input numbers. !obase Define the conversion base for output numbers. ---- !!Common Operations !Input numbers with a particular base but output them in a different base. Say we want to add the binary numbers 101 and 111 but output the result in decimal. <verbatim> obase=10 ibase=2 101+111 12 </verbatim> Note : Keep in mind if you set the ibase to a particular number, all variable values you set will need to be in that base. For example : Say we have ibase=2 and obase=10. To change ibase to 10 (decimal) then we would do : ''ibase=1010'' ---- CategoryNotes
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