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Back up your data.

Home user: write a script that copies it off onto another machine. Enterprise server: buy a tape drive and consider using a program like Arkeia, or writing some really good scripts.

Back up your data using Arkeia

See Craig's ArkeiaNotes.

(P.S. Back up your data.) Otherwise you might end up like this guy - warning contains bad words.

Back up your data using VERITAS's Backup Exec

Veritas are cool. (They employ geek goddesses, though that's another story.) Their Backup Exec product for Windows is very nice, and even has a Linux agent that lets you back up remote Linux servers.

They have a document that tells you how to set it up, but because you run Debian, you're going to want to do things a bit differently.

Untar and install to /usr/local/bkupexec. Create an /etc/bkupexec directory and copy the agent.cfg from /usr/local/bkupexec into it.

Then, get the BackupExecAgentInitScript?, run

  1. update-rc.d bkupexec defaults 96

and you're away laughing.

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