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Newer page: | version 6 | Last edited on Thursday, April 26, 2007 7:17:49 pm | by CraigBox | Revert |
Older page: | version 5 | Last edited on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:54:30 am | by CraigBox | Revert |
@@ -53,10 +53,33 @@
exit 0
Make it executable and run <tt>update-rc.d bkupexec defaults 96</tt>, and you're away laughing.
+!! Can't see my agent
+Run agent.be with -nd to debug. [Learn how to read the debug log|http://seer.support.veritas.com/docs/263307.htm].
!! "The function is not implemented" when viewing your remote agent
Check that /etc/hosts has the right details (fqdn, IP address) for the server you are running RALUS on.
+!! "**** getservbyname(grfs, tcp) failed! ****"
+echo 'grfs 6101/tcp' >> /etc/services
+!! Not seeing the agent in the Windows server
+You need the hostname of the server you are announcing *to* in the /etc/hosts file as well.
+Check the debug log to see you're getting a connection to port 6101 (which translates in Weird VERITAS Binary to 23.213):
+rcvr addr=
+attempting to connect. state=0
+Telnet to that IP:6101 and ensure you get a response. If not, check the Agent Browser service on the Windows machine.