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Used for Public/Private key authentication by the ssh(1) client.

place your public key in the AuthorizedKeysFile? in /.ssh and provided you have ssh-agent(1) setup correctly you shouldn't have to type in your password/keyphrase much.

for ssh1 keys place it in


for ssh2 keys place it in


Make sure these file are owned by the owner (especially not root), and their permissions are no more than 600. Also make sure that /.ssh is no more than 700, or ssh will complain and ignore these files as being potentially unreliable. (unfortunately it doesn't tell you it's complaining, it just puts it into syslogd(8).

Under debian, theres a ssh-copy-id(1) program which does all this automagically, it's easy to use
ssh-copy-id hostname

and it's all setup!

To generate a key use ssh-keygen(1). If you can, you want to use a ssh2 key. This can be generated with
ssh-keygen -t dsa


ssh-keygen -t rsa

(depending on what type of key you want)

then use

ssh-copy-id hostname

and ya done.