Blame: AcerTravelmateNotes
Annotated edit history of AcerTravelmateNotes version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 RobinSheat 1 Travelmate is a series of laptops made by [Acer].
3 !!!Video
4 ! Acer Travelmate 230
2 RobinSheat 5 On a standard setup of [Ubuntu] [Dapper] on a Travelmate 230, the display will only come up at 640x480, using the i810 video driver. To fix this, go into the BIOS on boot, go to the <tt>Advanced</tt> section, and set the memory allocated to the video (called <tt>UMA</tt>) from 1Mb to 8Mb. Then when you next start it up, X will be running at 1024x768.
1 RobinSheat 6
7 ----
8 CategoryLaptopNotes